The first 2 volumes contain thematically linked but self-contained stories concerning Tomie - a beautiful young woman with the power to seduce and dominate any male, from small boys to elderly men. Later, the series leaves these characters behind and focuses on stand-alone gothic horror pieces. Each volume has its own title: 1. Tomie (Scanlated) Included one-shots: Tomie Photograph Kiss Mansion Revenge The Basin of the Waterfall 2. Tomie - Part 2 (Scanlated) Included one-shots: Tomie Part 2 Basement Painter Murder Hair Orphan Girl 3. Flesh Colored Horror (Scanlated) Included one-shots: Long Hair in the Attic Permission/Forgiveness The Bee Hive Dying Young Headless Statues Flesh Coloured Horror 4. The Face Burglar (Scanlated) Included one-shots: The Face Burglar Scarecrows Falling Red String My Dear Ancestors The Hanging Balloons 5. Souichi's Diary of Delights Included one-shots: Fun Summer Vacation (Scanlated) Fun Winter Vacation (Scanlated) Souichi's Diary of Delights (Scanlated) Souichi's Home Tutor (Scanlated) Cloth Teachers Souichi's Birthday (Scanlated) 6. Souichi's Diary of Curses Included one-shots: Souichi's Selfish Curse (Scanlated) The Silent Room The Coffin Rumours Fashion Model 7. Slug Girl Included one-shots: Slug Girl (Scanlated) Out of Its Element / Thing that Drifted Ashore (Scanlated) Mold Coldness (Scanlated) Ryokan The Groaning Drain (Scanlated) Biohouse (Scanlated) 8. Blood-bubble Bushes (Scanlated) Included one-shots: Blood-bubble Bushes Unbearable Labyrinth Sword of the Re-animator The Will The Bridge Demonology The Conversation Room 9. Hallucinations Included one-shots: Hallucinations Bog of the Living Dead Penpal Further Tales of Oshikiri Further Tales of Oshikiri: The Wall 10. House of the Marionettes Included one-shots: Ice Cream Bus (Scanlated) Gang House The Smoking Club Second-hand Record The Sleeping Room The Gift Bearer (Scanlated) House of the Marionettes (Scanlated) 11. The Town Without Streets Included one-shots: The Town Without Streets (Scanlated) Near Miss! (Scanlated) Maptown Village of the Sirens (Scanlated) The Supernatural Transfer Student 12. The Bully (Scanlated) Included one-shots: The Bully House of the Deserter Father's Heart Memory The Back Alley Love by the Book In the Soil 13. The Circus is Here Included one-shots: The Circus is Here Gravetown The Adjacent Window (Scanlated) Sleuth Kids: The Second Daughter's Lover Sleuth Kids: The Assembly of Fallen Ghost 14. The Story of the Mysterious Tunnel Included one-shots: Long Dream (Scanlated) The Story of the Mysterious Tunnel The Bronze Statue Drifting Spores Blood Sickness of the White Sands Village (Scanlated) 15. Lovesick Dead (Scanlated) Included one-shots: The Beautiful Youth of the Intersections The Anxious Woman Shadows Screams in the Night 16. Frankenstein (Scanlated) Included one-shots: Frankenstein A Doll's Hellish Burial Memories of Real Shit Note: Tomie has its own page because of a third volume that isn't part of this collection. Scanlation Groups: Slug-chicks Titania Daniel.AU iemonsy Neggie
Vol. 16 Ch. 2.1 Fixed Face
Mar 14, 2020
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